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Using Adobe Applications: Getting Started with Your Account

To use Photoshop or Premiere or any of the applications in the Adobe Creative Cloud Suite on any campus computer workstation, please get into this habit of logging in and logging out of Creative Cloud via your Hampshire login.


Using Adobe Applications

To use Photoshop or Premiere or any of the applications in the Adobe Creative Cloud Suite on any campus computer workstation, please get into this habit of logging in and logging out of Creative Cloud via your Hampshire login. Adobe Applications will only work on college computers that have been installed with Adobe licenses.  

1. Find and open Creative Cloud Application:

2. Creative Cloud should open with a Login window like this:

3. When asked for a username enter

You are automatically sent to this window:

4. Log into this window using your Hampshire username and password. Students from other institutions can sign in using the login provided by their college instead of the Hampshire login, or create a free Adobe account at

...If you do not get that Login window from Step 2 and it looks like this:

That means that someone did not Log Out when they were finished. Of course you can choose to ignore this and work on your creative projects logged into someone else's account, but you do so with with the risk of chaotic inconsistency and extremely clunky workflow.

Log Out of that account and hop on your own and you will have a window that looks like Step 2.

5. Almost as crucial, when you are finished with your work, SAVE to the folder on the storage drive with your name (nothing saved on desk top will remain safe!), Log out of Creative Cloud, to be safe:

Do this every time and you will have one less mess in your life!