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Artists' Books: Begin here

Special Collections/ Artists books at Hampshire

Check out this tumblr page Cool Stuff in the Bradford Room to see a sample of cool stuff (photographs, rare materials, artists books, etc.) that we have housed in the Bradford Room on the 2nd floor of the library.    These items are all in the five college library catalog.    

If you see anything on the tumblr page or find anything in the catalog with location "HC Special Collections," please email me to make an appointment to come see in person:

Search the catalog for artists books

Search the catalog for artists books at Hampshire

by limiting your search to the location "HC Archives & Special Collections"

Within that group of results, you will find our artists books.  

Background on artist books

Educational opportunities

  • Center for the Book  University of Iowa’s MFA degree program.
  • College Book Art Association  An organization that supports and promotes academic book arts education by fostering the development of its practice, teaching, scholarship and criticism.
  • Corcoran College of Art + Design The Master of Arts in the Art and the Book Program offers a comprehensive approach to studying the history and theory of book culture, as well as contemporary methods of artist book production.
  • Mills College Book Arts Program In the fall of 2009 Mills inaugurated a new MFA in book art and creative writing. The degree, the first of its kind in the country, allows graduate students to combine artists' bookmaking and creative writing.
  • University of Alabama The Master of Fine Arts in the Book Arts Program began in 1985, and emphasizes the art and craft of making books by hand.
  • University of the Arts The MFA Book Arts/Printmaking Program offers advanced study in studio arts, focusing on the book as a vehicle of artistic expression and printmaking in the context of the narrative.

Subject Guide

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Rachel Beckwith