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Images: art image resources

resources for finding visual information (as opposed to text-based or language-based information) such as images and moving images.

Five College Museums Database

ARTstor image database

  • Includes Images for Academic Publishing (IAP).  Available through ARTstor and initiated by the Metropolitan Museum. Provides scholars with FREE high quality images for academic publications. A number of additional museums and resources are currently in the process of adding images to the collection. Users without access to ARTstor may still request access to the IAP collection.

Luna Commons Imags (includes Archivision and Amica images)

Gain access to hundreds of thousands of images that you can use for your classes.   The Luna Commons collection includes Hampshire College's Archivision collection. 

General image sites

  • ContentDM Collections: Browse Look through all the digital repositories in the ContentDM system.

  • Google Art Project  "Explore museums from around the world, discover and view hundreds of artworks at incredible zoom levels, and even create and share your own collection of masterpieces.
  • VIA Search | Harvard University
    A free online image database.

  • Web Gallery of Art "A searchable database of European painting and sculpture of the Gothic, Renaissance, and Baroque periods (1200-1700), currently containing over 15,400 reproductions." Biographies, commentaries, guided tours are available. Provides good-sized images with detailed file information.
  • World Images  "The internationally recognized WorldImages database provides access to the California State University IMAGE Project. It has just been selected by the Library of Congress for inclusion in its historic collection of Internet materials. It contains approximately 80,000 images, is global in coverage and includes all areas of visual imagery."  This site is great for images of Asian art.   



      photography web sites

      Five College Images

      Each of the Five Colleges maintains collections of digital and analog images to support teaching and research. For information about each collection consult:

      What's on view at Hampshire

      Search AP Photo for images

      Web sites for finding architecture images