1) the computer for this station must be turned on if it is not already. It is located under the digitizing bay as pictured.
2) Turn on the power switch of the Furman power supply. This is located on the top section of the rack next to the digitizing bay.
3) Adjust height if necessary using the knob shown.
4) Adjust angle of scanner using the up/down knob (Blue) or the left/right knob (Red) as needed.
Open software l;kasdjfklajsjlkghalkshflkajsdlkfjaslkdjflkasj Select "EinScan-Pro" on the left
Fixed scan on left if using tripod (recommended) Select "Auto Scan (with turntable)" on right if using turntable (recommended)
Select "New Project" Save in a new folder in a place where you'll remember!
Choose texture scan or non-texture scan depending on what would best suit your project. Texture scans include detail and colors on the object’s surface, but create much larger files, which will take longer to scan and export. Non-texture scans are best for models that only need to use the object’s geometry, like 3D prints.