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Faculty Resource Guide: Overview

Your guide to the Hampshire College Library!

Whether you are new faculty or have been here at Hampshire since its founding, we know you are always updating your skills and taking on new responsibilities. Your librarians are right there with you!

The tabs above can help you with a variety of questions you may have, and when in doubt you can always send us an email, or stop by our offices on Level 1 of the library.

Research Consultations

Students and faculty alike can email librarians with questions, call us to discuss strategies or problems they're having, drop into our offices on Level 1 of the Library, or make an appointment (recommended for Div III students and any detailed questions).


What do the librarians do?

  • We provide outreach about the library's resources and services at orientations and events, and we teach information literacy sessions at all levels to Hampshire College students, in collaboration with faculty.
  • We purchase books, DVDs, games, zines, and more for the library collection to support the Hampshire College curriculum and the intellectual, emotional, and social growth of students. We collaborate to choose databases, stewarding limited funds to ensure the widest possible access to academic journal, magazine and news articles (most often through databases, but sometimes in print as well) within the limits of our budget. We are always open to recommendations - simply email us to request items!
  • We are available by appointment (via email or phone) when any faculty, students or staff may consult with us for advice about using the library or doing research in general.   
  • We can collaborate with you to develop research assignments that enable students to build their research skills in hands-on ways, or recommend readings for students that provide a new perspective on information literacy.
  • Librarians create research guides on a variety of topics (such as this one!). We can make a specialized guide for your course, or recommend an existing guide that might be useful for your students. If you have ideas for additions or updates to our resource guides, please let us know.
  • As you are planning your class, check with us if you'd like us to order library materials for course reserves and/or films to screen during class.
  • We conduct research and present at conferences on topics relating to all aspects of information science and librarianship.
  • We serve on several Hampshire College and Five College Committees relevant to our work, for example User Experience; Resource Management; and Five College Access.


Div III archive

The Division III Archive online contains works from 2006 to the present. Print copies of text-based Division III projects submitted to the Library by students from 1971-2014 are available on the second floor of the Library, or in the Div III Showcase on the Level 1.