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Sound Booth Guide (B5)

A step-by-step guide on how to record using the equipment in the B5 Sound Booth

UMC404HD Audio Interface Explanations


Line Inst - should be UP (Line)
        This selects whether the input source is a Line level signal or an Instrument level signal

Pad - should be UP (Off)

Stereo/Mono should be UP (Stereo)

MIX. - Should be set to center (12 O’Clock position) This knob determines how much computer versus how         much microphone is sent to the HeadPhones.

Monitor A/B. Should be UP (A)

PHONES should be set to the 3 O’Clock position. - Don’t change headphone volume here, do it in the booth!

Main out. should be set to the 2 O’Clock position  - Don’t change this - change the volume in the booth.

GAIN - These knobs should be CHANGED based on the volume of your source. Turn them up or down as needed but at all costs AVOID CLIPPING!!!


CLIP/SIG. (Clip and Signal). Signal should light green to show that sound is coming in.

The Red CLIP indicator says “GO BACK AND DO IT AGAIN!”  Clipping means distortion. Accept no clipping!