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Sound Booth Guide (B5)

A step-by-step guide on how to record using the equipment in the B5 Sound Booth

These are the things inside the Sound Booth you should interact with ...

  • The KVM Switch selects wether the Headphones, Keyboard, Mouse and Screen will be connected to the Mac or the PC.
  • The microphones must be connected to the station you are using. This is done with the cables hanging off the rack.
  • The headphones should be connected to the headphone amp (up to 4 headphones can be connected) use this to turn the volume of the headphones up or down.
  • The software you are using must use the "Behringer Uphoria UMC 404HD" as it's input in order to record from the microphones. See full details in the next section "Choose input and output".

Step 5: The Microphones

You will find the plugs for the microphones hanging from the bottom left of the rack. All of the cords are labeled.

You plug and unplug the cords by holding down the metal tab on the XLR connection and then pulling the cords apart.


  • Find the cords labeled Mic 1 and Mic 2


  • Next find the 2 channel cords labeled for your station; either for the Macintosh = 'Station C', or  the Windows PC = 'Station D'.
  • It is advisable to put Microphone One into the stations Ch#1 and Microphone Two into Ch#2. So the channel matches the mic.




  • Plug Mic 1 into your station's Channel 1 and Mic 2 into your station's Channel 2.