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Studio G : How To Use the Space

A guide to using the equipment in the Studio G space and control room
The Studio Cameras: General Information

The Blackmagic Cameras attached to tripods on dollies feed into the control room.

These cameras are not set up to record on an SD card, but rather send live video feed into the control room where you can either stream live onto a video-hosting site, burn Blu-ray in real time, or store on a large and fast SD card for each camera.

Before using the Blackmagic studio cameras, make sure you have turned on everything you need in the control room.



NEVER remove the Blackmagic Studio cameras from their designated tripods. For information on tripods that you can use in the studio space, click here.


NEVER crimp or crush the yellow optical cables or they will be destroyed. Make sure they are either secured on the tripods or (if you do not need to use them) stored neatly against the wall. For more information about best use practices for the space, click here.

Setting Up the Studio Cameras


  • The camera is plugged into the power strip that is attached to the tripod's dolly. Make sure the power strip is connected to a power source.



  • Use the orange splitter cords to plug your devices in. You will know when the orange splitter has power if the light is on




  • Gently plug in the numbered yellow optical cable that corresponds with the number on the camera (in the front)



  • You can unplug this cord from the camera by squeezing down on the small release clip and carefully pulling the blue piece out


  • While using the optical cables, you can Velcro the carefully wrapped cables to the tripod for slack and to minimize stepping or rolling over them.




  • Press and hold the POWER button on the right under the camera viewfinder to turn the camera on




  • Press MENU to see the different features of the camera
The Studio Cameras' Functions


Manual & Auto Camera Functions

  • There is one camera with a special handle. Use the gizmo on the handle to zoom in and out



  • Click the Focus button (on the handle or on the camera) to focus the camera



Zebra Stripes

  • You can test the exposure through the Menu button. Setting up zebra stripes will show you how overexposed your image is, though you can choose how sensitive you want the zebra stripes to be in picking up the overexposure.



The Teleprompter Screens