Equipment: General Information |
Studio G has its own inventory of tripods, tripod dollies, jib arm, and hardwood dollies.
All of the equipment in the studio belongs to the studio and may not be borrowed or removed from the studio space.
The tripods and equipment that are not already set up and assigned to the studio cameras are stored on the right side of the studio space and can be used responsibly however you may need it. Be sure to clean up after you have finished.
Cameras that are already fastened to tripods may not be removed under any circumstance.
Click here to see information about the studio and standing lights.
If you need to borrow equipment for your shoot, visit Media Services on the first floor of the library.
Flats & Backdrops: General Information |
The flats are wooden rectangles that are meant to be used for backdrops and false walls.
Flats can be used vertically or horizontally and come in two sizes: (4’ x 8’) and (2’ x 8’).
You may paint them if you make an arrangement to do so. The most important part of painting a flat is not getting paint on anything besides the flat. Constructing flats is a simple process and no screws are necessary. If you want to paint on flats or learn how to make them, contact the labs manager.
There are “legs” for the flats that can be connected using Grip Clips. The legs (like shoes) are either “lefts” or “rights” a proper leg, matches the edge of the flat it is connected to so that there is no space between the leg and the flat and they can be connected with a Grip Clip. Multiple flats can be connected without legs in between.
Put everything back when you are finished with it.
For more Best Use Practices for flats and backdrops, click here.